Navigating Screen Time Over the Summer: A Guide for Parents

Summer is here, and with it comes a break from school, the allure of sunshine, and... the inevitable increase in screen time. For parents with children in kindergarten through grade 6, managing screen time can be a challenge. Here are some practical tips to help balance digital engagement with healthy, enriching activities during the summer months.

1. Set Clear Boundaries

Establishing clear rules about screen time can help children understand and respect limits. Create a daily or weekly schedule that includes designated times for screens, whether it’s for educational purposes, games, or watching shows. Make sure your children know when screen time starts and ends, and stick to it consistently.

Establishing clear rules about screen time can help children understand and respect limits. Create a daily or weekly schedule that includes designated times for screens, whether it’s for educational purposes, games, or watching shows. Make sure your children know when screen time starts and ends, and stick to it consistently.

When setting boundaries, it's crucial to explain the reasons behind them. Simply saying, "you can't have that," without context may make children feel distrusted or irresponsible. Instead, provide information about why certain limits are in place. This approach teaches kids about healthy tech use and the importance of balance.

2. Encourage Outdoor Play

Summer is the perfect time to encourage outdoor activities. Plan daily outings to parks, nature trails, or the beach. Set up a backyard scavenger hunt or organize a neighborhood sports day. Physical activity not only keeps kids healthy but also reduces the temptation to reach for a device.

3. Incorporate Educational Screen Time

Not all screen time is created equal. There are numerous educational apps and programs designed to make learning fun. Encourage your child to explore these resources, whether it's a math game, a science experiment video, or a language learning app. This way, screen time can be both enjoyable and beneficial. Take some time together to come up with a ‘tech health’ agreement where you set time limits or identify certain applications that your child may use. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of responsibility and control for your child.

4. Create Tech-Free Zones

Designate certain areas of your home as tech-free zones. This could be the dining room during meals, the bedroom to promote better sleep, or the living room during family time. By creating these spaces, you foster an environment where meaningful, screen-free interactions can take place.

5. Model Healthy Habits

Children often mimic their parents' behavior. Show them the importance of balance by modeling healthy screen habits yourself. Put away your phone during family activities, take regular breaks from your computer, and engage in non-digital hobbies.

6. Plan Screen-Free Activities

Provide a variety of engaging, screen-free activities that capture your child’s interest. Craft projects, board games, reading, cooking, and gardening are excellent alternatives. Sometimes, all it takes is a little inspiration to get kids excited about offline fun.

7. Use Screen Time as a Reward

Consider using screen time as a reward for completing chores, reading a book, or finishing a puzzle. This approach not only limits screen use but also motivates children to engage in other productive activities.

8. Stay Involved and Evaluate Tech Use

Be aware of what your children are watching or playing. Join in on their screen time occasionally to understand the content they are consuming. This also provides an opportunity to bond and discuss any questions or concerns they may have. Evaluate whether the tech your child is using adds value to their development. If not, consider finding alternative programs or activities.

9. Understand How Tech Can Support Development

Not all tech is bad! Some tech can be immensely helpful and beneficial. Learn about what resources are out there and what new tools may be helpful for your child to learn—creative and strategic thinking, STEM, reading, numeracy, music, engineering, and more. For example, platforms like Fledge can gamify wellness and educational content, making learning enjoyable and impactful.

10. Choose Collaboratively

Work with your child to find applications that support your learning objectives. Autonomy and choice help children feel responsible and give them a sense of control and input. This is a journey you are choosing together, which in turn allows for less resistance and a shared agreement on how to use tech in a healthy way.


Navigating screen time during the summer doesn’t have to be stressful. By setting boundaries, encouraging outdoor play, and staying involved, you can help your children enjoy a balanced and enriching summer. Embrace the season as an opportunity for growth, creativity, and connection, both on and off the screen.


What strategies have worked for you in managing screen time over the summer? Share your tips with our community on Facebook and Instagram.

Photos by Olivia Bauso, Kelly Sikkema, Markus Spiske on Unsplash